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America, you're confusing me #BlackLivesMatter

Not long ago I wrote a blog post on racism against the Asian community because of the pandemic; and to be honest, I have no idea why I’m already finding myself writing yet another one today – on racism against Black people simply because of their blackness. America, you’re confusing me. Do you want to have your people hurt and killed more by coronavirus or the racistvirus disease?

It’s impossible for me to imagine what Black people are going through right now. They are literally winning all the races that no one wants to compete on, from the pandemic death tolls to discrimination, here in America. Then among everyone else who’s still alive, we have oceans of people who are numb but for very different reasons – while many white people are numb because it’s not their problem, many Black people are numb because they don’t know what pain feels like anymore when it’s already ingrained in their everyday life.

If Amy Cooper’s fear limit is considered reasonable when facing a birding Black man who doesn’t do anything to harm her, then George Floyd’s fear limit is absolutely banana when running out of breath with the police officer’s knee on his neck?

If one has a direct line to the police for protection because she’s white, then one gets an instant one-way ticket to vanish from this world because he’s Black?

And if ‘looting leads to shooting’ is encouraged, then racism leads to violence is simply unthinkable?

America, you’re confusing me.

You know racism gets really bad, especially racism against the Black community in America gets really bad, is when people from all other minorities started standing up for Black people. Not because we no longer have to deal with discrimination against our own race, but actually because while trying to fight our pain, we still know that our pain is nothing yet like Black people’s pain, and Black people’s pain is our pain.

But you know what’s even worse? When people who are not from America worry about justice in America and the future of America even more than your own President. I wonder why you voted for someone who spends more time tweeting and explaining his tweets than taking care of his people to lead your country.

America, you’re confusing me.

I’ve been to many job interviews – There is a question that I always ask in every single one that I go to, that is “What do you think about the leadership of the company?”

Why? Because no matter how smart and talented you are, you are only going to be as good as your leader.

So from the perspective of someone who wasn’t born in America but has been building a life here, I want to ask you a question: Where do you think the future of your country is heading to under the current leadership?

America, you may be confused, but you clearly deserve a true leader. Make that happen this November.

We shall keep saying the names of Black people who are killed because of racism, but also keep telling their stories. It's not just another name that's crossed out from our living world, it is another life that's gone, another dream that’s stopped, a broken justice system that continues being left broken, followed by countless consequences, emotional, and emotionless feelings.

To all my non-Black friends: I urge you to think of all the struggles that you’ve been facing during this pandemic and add them up – whatever total amount you’re having in your mind should equal the level of resilience you have during such difficult time like this. Take a moment to recognize your level of strength and be proud of yourself. Now keep everything you had in your mind but add being black on top of it – How does it change your resilience equation? Does it make your struggle weight heavier or lighter? If you think it gets heavier, please share that with other people in your community and help Black people claim back their justice. Protest doesn’t have to be violent or happen only on the streets, but from quitting to be silent when you see injustice.

And to my Black friends: I don’t know how soon things are going change for you and your community if at all, but every time you look at yourself in the mirror, I want you to see this and remember this – YOUR LIFE DOES FUCKING MATTER.

P.S.: My quarantine time made so inspiring and soul-fulfilling indeed HUGELY thanks to Black people, from my best friend Sini Ngobese to my ‘quarantine husband’ Trevor Noah to the real President and First Lady of the United States Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. And many more.


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