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Holiday Issue(s) 2025: How to find love and make it last
People say love comes when you stop looking. They also say it only shows up when you start looking. “But what if neither is true?” you...
"You don’t understand women. They prefer it in person."
- How do you guys date nowadays? Are you just using the app? - Haha, I might not be the best person to answer that. But yeah, the app is...
Should I follow my heart or my mind?
Isn’t this the everyday dilemma we all face? Your mind thinks it’s too risky; your heart feels caged. Your mind says it knows what’s best...
How can I heal from a broken heart?
( “What if I lose the one I love?” - Part 2 ) Here you are, back at the same old crossroads again. Down the chosen path. Alone. Let the...
What is the truth?
Simple question, but not always simple to answer, is it? How convenient it would be to associate truth with what we know. My truth, your...
How can I overcome the dark night of the soul?
Be strong The dark night of the soul isn’t for the faint of heart. You experience it for a reason, and that reason is for you to be...
"How do you teach them about surrender, though?"
- How do you teach them about surrender, though? They’re so young… My older boy wants to join the military, and it’s been really hard for...
"...but he’s afraid that if he tells her, they won’t be able to stay friends anymore."
- My younger boy is 16 now. You know, he’s been good friends with this girl that he really likes, and he told me he didn’t know what to...
Can we put war to an end?
(found this little note i wrote to myself a few months ago... 🙏) War is inevitable. We will never be able to stop wars from happening...
Why can’t I let go of this negative energy?
It’s frustrating, isn’t it? We hear ‘let go’ all the time, but ironically, that phrase can be misleading, leaving us feeling stuck...
How do I have faith in love again?
Isn’t it terrifying to ponder the 'what ifs'? “What if everything goes wrong? What if I’m not ready? What if I’m abandoned again? What if...
How can I let go of someone I love?
Love, and you will let go. Think of it like breathing. If you keep holding onto the air and resist breathing out, you will suffocate. You...
What if I don’t end up with someone I love?
But what if you do? What if you let go of the idea that it has to be a certain person, and instead embrace the belief that whoever you...
The best gift we can give to ourselves
You know, I believe the best gift we can give to ourselves is to embrace our wholeness. It may feel scary and even wrong when we let our...
If you want to see what the soul looks like
If you want to see what the soul looks like, close your eyes Be soft Lose yourself in the movement of time Flow freely to the melody of...
Dear Class of 2024
Dear Class of 2024, Instead of a commencement speech, I have a story to share with you. Two years ago, I found myself stuck in a place of...
Year of the Cat in review
To me, this Year of the Cat feels like a crash course. Perhaps it’s the most intense year that I’ve been through with so much to learn...
Holiday Issue(s) 2024: How to be the change you want to see
“Why am I feeling upset?” Some people avoid this question, some run away from it, some are afraid to think about it, some think about it...
Help people heal
Help people heal, if you can. And even when you don’t know how to, simply giving them a warm hug in silence will be enough ❤️🩹❤️
The stop sign we all need
There are many things that I don’t know, but through pain and suffering, I’ve learned a few things… Please hold space for someone who’s...
The universe will shower you with love and everything that you've been longing for when you do this
When you truly stay present and open yourself to receive, the universe will shower you with love and everything that you’ve been longing...
Pay attention to your working world
Pay attention to how your working world operates and rhyme with it.
The art of productivity
Pay attention to how your working world operates and rhyme with it. I’ve been asked a lot about what I do to stay productive. To be...
Fail often
Fail so often that you're not fazed by failure anymore. People often call me courageous, but I don’t see it that way. I just fail a lot...
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