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Should I follow my heart or my mind?

Isn’t this the everyday dilemma we all face?

Your mind thinks it’s too risky; your heart feels caged. Your mind says it knows what’s best in the long run; your heart insists it has to be now. Your mind tells you to walk away; your heart begs you to stay.

Life is full of decisions: which major to choose, what career to pursue, who to marry, when to quit, how to respond—the list goes on and on.

When the mind is bound by logic and the heart tangled in feelings, the soul transcends time and space. Its wisdom extends far beyond what the heart and mind have learned in this lifetime, far beyond what reasoning can explain or emotion can comprehend, far beyond our individual consciousness that it merges with the shared consciousness.

Think of your soul as a conductor. It’s always there, offering signals, but your heart and your mind are often too busy debating to notice. When, and only when, they start paying attention and following the soul’s direction, your mind will cut through the noise and clear the way, while your heart will ensure you stay true to your authenticity and fill yourself with love.

At first, your choices might seem unreasonable to others. At first, they might appear cold-hearted. Too bold. Too safe. Too soon. Too late. Or entirely nonsensical.

But every soul has its own journey. If you trust and follow its lead, your heart and your mind will eventually align.

By then—when your heart, mind, and soul are all aligned—you might just find yourself holding the master key to life.

Nurture your soul.

Listen to your soul.

Follow your soul.

Your heart and your mind will thank you later.



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